Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't ask...

I find it amusing that idiots in Congress are still against gays serving openly despite the fact the a majority of the people and military want DADT repealed. They say they're worried about battle effectiveness and such but that's such bullshit. In all reality I can't imagine it would be much more of a shock then when women were allowed to serve. They just want to keep forcing their tired beliefs on everyone else, big surprise. They don't give a shit about the military. We kick out people with valuable skills and they think that doesn't hurt battle effectiveness. I'm sure they using the same arguments that were voiced before blacks and women were allowed to serve. Just a seemingly legitimate way to hide their discriminatory views.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Party of paychecks

A few weeks ago Newt Gingrich said that in 2012 people will have the choice between the party of paychecks and the party of food stamps. Considering republican policies have put more people out of work since the Great Depression I guess we know which party is which. But since they don't believe in food stamps either I guess that makes them the Party of your livelihood is not my problem, I'll just go back to my mansion and accuse you of being lazy. Fuck you Newt!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Palin scared of Couric


This is hilarious. Palin gets asked a few question that shows she's an idiot and of course she claims bias against her. She obviously wasn't prepared for this. If she couldn't even prepare for a simple interview, what in the hell made her think she was ready to be VP? Let alone Prez? I guess if reporters aren't kissing her ass like FOX they must be against her. I hope Palin takes Barbara Bush's advice and stays in Alaska. Wishful thinking I know.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

And so it begins.....

This is the first official broadcast of the new Voice of the Resistance.

 I'm starting this blog to finally get my voice out. For too long I've remained silent while countless others have spoken and made decisions for me. Every time I turn on the TV someone is saying the American people want this or that but none of them ever asked me what I want. Last time I checked I was still an American. There's at least 300 million of us and we never ever all want the same things. So now it's my turn to be heard. This blog will be mostly my opinion on whatever the hell I feel like venting about, but I will do my best to back it up with facts. I'm not sure how good I will be at this or if I will update it regularly, but it's a start. Any help will be appreciated. VOR is online!!!!!

10 points to whoever can guess where I got the name of my blog from. That television series is the inspiration for this.

You can't kill the truth. And the truth, is back in business.